Memories from an old girlfriend

Letter from Wally's Girfriend
Wally's Girlfriend  before the war was Janet Smith Lefevere. Julie contacted her several years ago and asked her what she knew about Wally, this is what she said.

"His stature was that of a smaller man. Good looking. Seemed to enjoy life - a happy go lucky type of person. A sense of humor. Lots of fun to be around. Loved his family, especially things said of his Mom. Her cooking & etc. Her love for all of them. He loved his large family. Spoke of them frequently. He was proud to be a part of a large family. These things mentioned in letters from him while in the Navy.

I met Wallace while in high school. He was a little older than me (2-3 years) and I thought it neat to meet someone older than I. I knew him (it seemed) only a short while because after his family moved away and he later joined the service, something that entered the minds of many young men then.

I first heard from him while stationed in (I think Wallace, Idaho). His comment then was "from Wallace in Wallace".

I enjoyed his letters and looked forward to answering them. I guess I learned more of Wallace thru his letters than really knowing him in person. He could write the neatest (cute) letters. I guess I fell in love with him then. I could have waited for him.

I didn't hear from Wallace later on, I felt like things had changed with him. He had moved on into the war and etc. Still I was willing to wait for him. The news came latter of his death...what a shock (all seemed lost.)

I felt so sad for his parents and bros. & sisters at their loosing a son, brother and a friend. I remained a friend to his mom, enjoyed hearing from her thru the years.

Julie, I'm sorry to be late in writing to you. Things came up so I just had to wait. I may or may not of been much source of information to you of your Uncle Wallace. I can say you'd be proud of him had you known him & seen him in person. Good luck to you and your brother on what you are doing.


Love Janet Smith LeFevere"

The "large" family Wally loved and was proud to be part of. (picture taken just a few years after the war)
Note from Mike: I've known all of these people and I have to agree with Wally...they are a highly lovable bunch.

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