Stories about Wally from Sister Juanita

The following stories about Wally are from his older sister Juanita as written in her own personal history.


I really didn't get to know my other brothers and sisters that well because I was so much older.
Wally and I however were very close. He was born on my birthday exactly two years later. My parents lost the next baby, and then came Evelyn. I remember one day Wally and I were washing dishes and I had to go to the outhouse. It was a long ways from the house. Wally was washing the dishes and I was drying. He decided to try to surprise me that day and have the dishes all washed and dried before I got back. He tried to pour the boiling water over the dishes to rinse them before I got back and he scalded himself really bad. He was just in horrible shape. He carried those scars to his death. He was scalded all down his legs and his arm and side. It was horrible!


Wally used to work for Victor in the coal mines and Victor used to pay him at the end of the week and Wally would tell me, "Now you put that money away, because I don't want to spend it. I don't care how mad I get, just don't you give it to me when I ask for it". Wally liked to carouse around and drink a little. He'd come back drunk and want it and I'd say, "No! You told me to keep it." Wally would get mad and say, "That's my money! I'm the one that earned it." He'd end up getting it every time.

Wally and I were so close, when he was killed in the service, they sent me a telegram of it just like they did Mom. He was such a good brother. But the family moved away from town when Wally was a teenager. They moved up to Provo. He was killed in the war. They said in the letter they searched and searched but they couldn't find his body. That sure about killed my mom. They had a memorial service, which was all. He has a marker up in the Springville Cemetery. 

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